Break time!
Every year we go camping in the summer. Spend some time together as a family and just take a break from all the ringing cellphones, email notifications and text message blips.
This year it was more difficult than normal. We are all working from home and trying to fit in a trip means taking vacation at a time when most companies are running on a skeleton crew. *cue the guilt trip*
In addition, we had to pack many things we normally wouldn't worry about...addition hand sanitizer, face masks, clorox wipes, etc. Plus with the current fire restrictions, its not safe to have a camp fire...
"Does this mean no s'mores mom?!?"
"No, that doesn't mean no s'mores."
It just meant that we needed to be more creative and organized this year. It also mean being very careful and waking up at 1 and 3am to take the kids to the bathroom with masks on and clorox wipes in hand.
Overall, a great vacation and a small break from the current craziness that is our lives during Covid.
Take the break, even a small one, it makes a world of difference to your mental health.
Back to the grindstone!