Saturday, December 26, 2020

Ch. 2: I am Enough by Marisa Peer

My sisters and I have continued our book on our journey to self-improvement

My older sister picked out I am Enough by Marisa Peer. This week we are reading Chapter 2.

I have made the following notes while I was reading:
  • They simply judge their feelings by exactly what's happening to them in the present moment.
    • This is something I need to work on.
  • If you use the wrong words, you create the wrong reality.
    • beliefs become thoughts, thoughts become words, words become actions
  • Lie to your mind, cheat fear, and steal back the phenomenal confidence you were born with.
    • placebo effect
  • It's about actively reframing the events of your life to reflect a different, more realistic picture.
    • "I have phenomenal coping skills."
    • "I can get through the day in a manageable fashion."
  • Your mind's job is to act on the words you tell it and to use those words to form a blueprint that it must take you towards. Your job is to give your mind much more powerful, descriptive and positive words. Your mind is doing its job, so do your job and give it better instructions all the time.
  • It's time for you to be a better friend to you by ending all the self-criticism and name calling.
    • If you wouldn't talk to your friend that way, why is it ok to talk to yourself that way?
    • thing you can't choose is the effect negative thoughts have on your mind and body...