Monday, August 11, 2014

ARC Review: Beyond Addiction (Beyond Series 5) by Kit Rocha

I was given this book in exchange for an honest review.

4 out of 5 Stars

What did I like?
I love the way that the story ended, with a taste of the shifting dynamics in the Sectors. I like that they accepted him and trusted him, it shows a great deal of growth in everyone's relationship.

What did I not like?
I don't like that they didn't take Trix's word as enough. That kinda hurts, the group lost some of its family vibe for me. I was disappointed right along with Trix on that one. I also thought that Logan's brutality was over the top. I know, I know, he's an egotistical psycho, but still...

I love the Beyond series and this story gave some insights and depth to the series that I wasn't expecting. It makes it more real, and at the same time doesn't lose any of what makes it awesome.
