I receive a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
4 out of 5 Stars
What did I like?
I really liked the concept of the story. I love the idea that you can still have BDSM play (even with altered protocols) while enjoying pregnancy. I really enjoyed their private scenes at the end.
What did I not like?
It was frustrating watching him struggle with issues from his past. Pregnancy hormones are nothing to mess with, the heroine is a lot stronger than I could have been. The other thing that bothered me was the mystery of the intruder. It felt like the surfaced was scratched but left me lots of questions.
Would I recommend this read?
I really enjoyed reading this story. I haven't read the first book but am looking forward to finding out they solved the intruder mystery in the future.
Posted: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/998410208