I was given an ARC in return for an honest review.
A Fitting End
4 out of 5 Stars
I bought Change for Me a while ago, but had yet to read it. I was given an ARC of Howl for Me (Book 3) and it seemed, now it was time. I read both Change for Me and then Shift into Me this morning. Finally, this afternoon it was time to read the end. In Howl for Me, we learn a lot about the past: who the boys' parents were, why they were separated and given to the different clans, even why Lily is able to do things "normal" humans can't.
What I liked:
Though this is the end, there is hope for the future. Cat finally gets her man (Hunter as expected from Shift into Me). I was glad that Devin was able to "redeem" himself, although I felt he got the short end of the stick. Even though it was expected, it was still hard to say goodbye to Poko. Despite the fact that Damon can talk to spirits, it's just not the same as being there, especially in light of their newly revealed relationship.
What I didn't like:
Although, there really wasn't any other choice but to end it that way, I felt bad that Devin died. Perhaps he will have a better life with his real parents in the spirit world. I also felt that the battle was a little anti-climactic. There was a big build-up and yet such a little thing defeated the "wolf god".
Would I recommend this book?
Each book picks up where the previous one left off so I would suggest that you read the first two books to learn why everyone feels the way they do and fill in some background on why things unfolded the way they do. Each book fulfilled its purpose within that book so there wasn't really any cliffhangers. It was definitely an enjoyable read and if you have read the previous books, this is a must buy.
Posted: http://www.amazon.com/review/R108ZJD10HNQD/ref=cm_cr_dp_title?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00IAR46FK&channel=detail-glance&nodeID=133140011&store=digital-text