Sunday, June 24, 2018


As I look around, all I see is devastation
The ashes of what might have been layin at my feet
The tears streak down my cheek
And the dull throbbin of in my chest means my heart still beats

The cold silence invades my sterile world
As I feel the chill start to course through my veins,
The questions circle in my head

The warmth of your arms no longer brings me comfort
The joy from your smile no longer touches my heart
Am I still here? Am I alive?

The promise I once held seems to slip away
The void that I feel engulfs my life until there is nothin left.
No joy. No sorrow. Nothing.

The why no longer seems important nor does the how.
All that matters is the silence.
Cold, comforting it encases my mind
I am no longer real, simply here.