Saturday, October 18, 2014

ARC Review: Redeeming Rue (Ashland Prides 4) by RE Butler

I won a copy of this book in a giveaway.

4 out of 5 Stars

What did I like?
I'm glad that after it was all over, that she regained some of her family. I am hopeful that their punishment (ghosted) brings them as much pain as her unfair banishment did to her. I'm also glad that Dom and Henry have their connection, Henry was feeling a little left out.
While I don't envy them the wait, I think that Jilly especially could use that time. She just started finding herself, I think she needs more "me time" before becoming part of a triad.

What did I not like?
I was not happy that the bad guy didn't die screaming for his actions (yes, I was a little bloodthirsty after reading this). I also thought it would be more fitting to use the weapon they were wielding against them.

Recommendation: I can't wait for the next book, I'm hoping its a HEA for Ray, Scarlett and Wes.
